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This Words into Action Guideline aims at supporting the practical implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction Priority 4 component on enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response.

It targets actors working to strengthen risk-informed disaster preparedness within and across sectors and at all administrative levels in a country.

This guideline (i.) highlights the key principles and required actions outlined in the Sendai Framework to enhance disaster preparedness for effective response, (ii.) points to existing resources that provide more detailed explanations and guidance by theme or stakeholder, and (iii.) illustrates implementation with examples. It consists of three main sections: Principles, Guidance, and Practices. Corresponding selected existing guidance is available in an appendix.

The Appendix is an evolving and living document intended to be used as a resource together with this guidance. With over 60 resource documents related to 6 themes, it could prove a very useful resource for governments and humanitarian partners/practitioners.

Target Audience: National Disaster Management Offices (NDMOs), emergency managers and relevant government officials, civil society and international organizations, within and across all sectors at national/local and global/regional levels.

Its companion, Design and conduct of simulation exercises (SIMEX), targets emergency managers, relevant government officials and many other actors responsible for disaster preparedness planning and drills.

Public Review version: As an effort from the international DRR Community and brokered by UNDRR, this official public review version is a product of a long and detailed process of drafting, consultation and review. This document will be on PreventionWeb for public review until 14 December 2019 and has the purpose to ensure we haven’t overlooked aspects that are important to consider. Your comments and suggestions will be highly appreciated regarding those good practices you find could be replicated/adapted in your work and/or country preparedness context.